This weekend, my Doctor Who obsession soared to new heights of geekery. I've just discovered the joy of "watch instantly" on Netflix, and I've been using it to sample an assortment of Doctors. I was still kind of sick this weekend, so I had an excuse to sit around and veg out. But ah, what wondrous vegitude! To sit back for hours and hours, bombarded with strange stories, cheap special effects, and British accents. Why would I ever want to leave the house again?
So far the only Doctor I don't particularly like is Patrick Traughton, but I intend to give him another chance. He is, after all, still the Doctor. I haven't yet sampled Colin Baker or Sylvester McCoy, but they're on my list for tonight. Christopher Eccleston is still my favorite. I've also watched some more Tom Baker episodes. I was already familiar with him, but there were several that were just too tantalizing to resist. Last night I discovered Horror of Fang Rock, for instance, a wonderful little sci-fi/horror/suspense story set in a lighthouse.
And once I've completed my sampling, I have a new project. WikiPedia, you see, was kind enough to provide an episode guide. With this handy list, I can dig through the depths of Netflix and find as many as possible, put them into my queue in order, and start becoming the wild-eyed, half-autistic Doctor Who fanatic I've always known that, deep down, I truly am!
Netflix is going to put out a set-top box for about $100 that will let you watch the "watch instantly" videos on your TV, you know. It's going to eventually replace the DVD-by-mail business. So imagine what a couch potato you will be then.