Friday, August 16, 2024

My Balrog Buddy

Did you ever wonder if maybe Gandalf knew that Balrog from back in the day, back when they were both just a couple of maiar chillin' in Aman?

Gandalf: You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!

Balrog: Uh, my name's Rocky.

Gandalf: Holy shit! Rocky? Long time no see, bru! It's me: Olorin! How ya been?

Balrog: Ollie! Hey! Well, after the the Melkor gig fell through, I kinda checked out for a while. I was just processing my trauma, y'know? Until these weirdbeard midgets woke me up. What's their deal anyway?

Gandalf: Oh, they are a pain and a half! You have no idea the shit I deal with! Why, I even--

Aragorn: He cannot stand alone! Elendil! I am with you, Gandalf!

Boromir: Gondor! Gondor!

Balrog: So I guess we gotta fight now.

Gandalf: Stupid fuckers. Hey, nice catching up with ya, Rocky! [smites bridge] Fly, you fools!


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